December 13, 2022

Matthew 21:28-32

Entitled!!! The Chief priests and elders of the people thought that they were entitled to having a place in the kingdom of God because why not? They were priests after all. Some thought they were entitled to the kingdom because they belonged to the tribe of Judah. Our Lord says to them and to us that none of that matters. In fact no one can lay claim to the kingdom based only on some exaggerated sense of self. He says I tell you solemnly, tax collectors and prostitutes are making their way into the kingdom of God before you. He says this because our Lord has found more hospitality among those who were judged as not worthy than among the judges. I have said before, I have found more love and understanding from the people of God than from the professional religious.

Today we are challenged by our Lord. It is not enough to say Lord, Lord. It is not enough to say I am baptized or I belong to this or that church. The question is ARE YOU KIND?


December 14, 2022


December 12, 2022