December 22, 2022
Do you remember the story of Hannah. She is the woman who was thought of as mad because she would not leave the temple or the priest until she was granted her prayer. She wanted a child and she prayed for this gift like a mad woman. Well God answered her prayer and she named the child SAMUEL. In today’s reading, she goes back to the temple with good news. Yahweh answered my prayer. I want to keep our reflection very short today. Tell me, what did you pray for that has been answered a hundred times over? We call this in the charismatic renewal, giving testimony. GIving testimony builds the faith of others. It is not gloating but saying to someone who is praying so hard for something that God answers prayers. So today we put aside what we are praying for and we mention what has been granted. I prayed for a church family that spoke to my soul and God out of nothing gave me Rabbouni. I prayed for a family and God grew my territory and not only gave me a family but a beautiful family. I prayed for a job, and God granted. What did you cry for night and day to God?
Not to spoil this reflection but every Thursday I ask for your financial support for Rabbouni. Thank you for loving us into existence.