December 5, 2022

Luke 5:17-26

A very happy Monday to you. Todays gospel passage has the account of Jesus healing a paralyzed man who was brought in by his friends. The religious professionals were scandalized that Jesus in healing this man said “your sins are forgiven.” That was their takeaway, that Our Lord had the audacity to forgive someone and set them free.

Well before we even talk about the healing, let us talk about this man’s friends. These guys were unbelievable. The place was crowded so they somehow got their buddy on the roof. But not only that…. Being paralyzed in this time and culture meant that he was some terrible sinner and God was punishing him. Do you have friends like that? People around you who want the best for you. People around who say we don’t care what the religious professionals say, we see you and your pain. I remember years ago in the old country the church had this terrible attitude. If someone died of suicide, that person’s body was not allowed in the church. In fact the priest would not go to the house of the bereaved. There was no understanding of the mental illness that would lead someone to do this terrible thing, there was no understanding and compassion for the family left with questions. What fascinated me was that the simple people in the village always showed up. They brought food and gave the deceased ’the last bath.’ The people of God for me have always shown me a God with broad shoulders.

These friends are the kind of people we should surround ourselves with. People who want what is good for you. Advent gives us an opportunity to be one of those people who carried the paralyzed man to the Lord. And when you get a chance, tell someone what their company and friendship has meant to you. I know you got people. Thank you for being my person.


December 6, 2022


December 2, 2022