December 8, 2022
Luke 1:26-38
The blessed mother has a special place in the hearts of Catholics. One of the first prayer I learned was the Hail Mary. It is a prayer that to this day brings me much comfort. The actually holds the key for all of us who want to bring Christ into the world. There is the key friends, this is what you pray for every day “The Holy Spirit will come upon you’ the angel answered ‘and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow”. Say it loud in the first person, the power of the Lord is upon me. Not someday in the future when I stop sinning and become a saint. No, now when I am shaking and unsure, now when there are so many uncertainties
God is working overtime.
Talking about that, please remember Rabbouni with your end of year giving. That is one way we know that we are watched over. I love our ministry and your donations is literally keeping us open.