February 17, 2023
Mark 8:34-9:1
Happy Friday church family. Today is our last Friday before we find ourselves in the great season of lent but the readings are already taking us to the very doors of lent. No one can be my disciples unless they pick up their cross and follow me. We all have our own challenges to face on the spiritual journey and are invited to own them. My mother used to say about me sometimes that I was her cross. Well I could have been and in many ways maybe I still am her cross. But that is the easy cross. Your love and concern for others can be a legitimate cross. Can we dig a little deeper though. Can we find things within us that we have to work through. Is there an attitude that has to be watched because it makes it difficult for us to see God in our lives? You know what your cross is? Your biggest fear is the cross. If you fear being alone, that is your cross. If you fear losing someone, that’s your cross. Do you fear getting old? Well …
Hey come see us on Sunday for our 14 anniversary. Mass is at 12:30 pm. We will feed you after we make you pray with us lol. Seriously come and bring a cousin. 7812 Brownsboro road louisville Ky 40242