February 27, 2023
Matthew 25:31-46
Would you believe me if I told you that by the time Jesus came around, religion had moved from the practice of the people to a profession of the sophisticated. Things had gotten so bad that in the name of religion some people were stoned to death. in the name of religion people were labeled unclean and untouchable. Religion in a way has gotten away from the people. What our Lord does is try to connect Yahweh to the very least in society. He says in a way that those who play church would do good to remember where God hides.
I actually love the expression “hiding in plain sight.” In today’s reading Jesus talks about Judgement day and he says among other things “as long as you DID this for the least of my brothers, you DID for me …” What we profess is important but what is even more important is what we do. St James, the brother or cousin of our Lord says “what good is it to say that you will pray for someone who is hungry? Feed them..” As we continue our Lenten journey I invite us to remember the words of our Lord. I was hungry and YOU fed me, I was in prison and YOU visited me. Do you know anyone who hungers for understanding or hungers for acceptance? Feed them. Do you know anyone imprisoned by fear or imprisoned by jealousy? Visit them.
Go on and read this most beautiful passage from Matthew 25. Love you!!