Friday August 3, 2024

Matthew 13:54-58

Coming to his home town, Jesus taught the people in their synagogue in such a way that they were astonished and said, ‘Where did the man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers? This is the carpenter’s son, surely? Is not his mother the woman called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Jude? His sisters, too, are they not all here with us? So where did the man get it all?’

So one of his brothers - James became the first bishop of the church of Jerusalem which by the way was the mother church. When St Peter and St Paul got into a theological argument, the church of Jerusalem called a council. This was the first council ever called and it was in the year 70AD. James the just sat the boys down and slapped them on the wrists. Now if you truly want to know how Jesus felt, you should read the letter of James in the New Testament. Very very practical. James was also described by Josephus, an early church historian as, James the brother of Jesus who was called the Messiah. I know I am over explaining this but it is so important to see how involved Jesus immediate family was. It makes our Lord relatable. He had family, people he could “call.”

The Catholic tradition sometimes has gone out of its way to isolate Jesus and Mary. I think this is a mistake. Yes maybe they were his cousins or half brothers. But the good book and early tradition never says that. This became an issue after the doctrine of the immaculate conception.

Ok enough church politics. Our Lord came home and they were shocked at his transformation. You know, when our kids come home from camp, college, or after a while, don’t you pinch yourself and ask, “is that my child?” Today we are invited to take a moment and really look at the marvel of our kin. These days I step back and say “is that my wife? How did I get so lucky?” Marvel at the radiance of those next to you.


Tuesday August 6, 2024


Thursday August 1, 2024