Friday July 21, 2023
Matthew 12:1-8
Jesus took a walk one sabbath day through the cornfields. His disciples were hungry and began to pick ears of corn and eat them.
I am a little distracted by this. They ate the corn without even cooking it!!! JEEZAS they must have been hungry. Hunger is an interesting topic though in the scriptures and in our lives. Often times our souls hunger for one thing and we try to feed it on other things, on junk.
Have you noticed sometimes we hunger for acceptance and end up doing stupid things? Well, when we were younger.
I think the call for me is to clearly identify the hunger. Scripture says “like a deer chasing after fresh waters so my soul thirsts for you my God. In this world we hunger to hear the voice of God then we play music as loud as we can. That won’t do it. We hunger to be seen, then we lose our identities. That won’t do it.
On this Friday take the time to know what will truly fill your soul.
To the scripture scholars, I know this reading is not about hunger but I could not resist the raw corn.