Friday July 7, 2023

Matthew 9:9-13

As Jesus was walking on, he saw a man named Matthew sitting by the customs house, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him.

Seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, sensing. It just struck me that Our Lord Jesus goes around in his world using the gifts that everyone has. He however uses them to bring God about. How many people looked at Matt the tax collector and never really saw him? What song was he humming that nobody heard? On this Friday I want you to see yourself as completely seen by God. I saw a poster yesterday about the woman at the well. It read “He did not come for the water, he came for me.”

Today as you feel, taste, see, hear, or sense may God come limping through your presence to others. God bless and cannot wait to see you Sunday.


Monday July 10, 2023


Thursday July 6, 2023