Friday November 10, 2023

Matthew 16:13-19

But you,’ he said ‘who do you say I am?’

What I have done there is dangerous. Taking a line of scripture without context and reflecting on it has caused more problems in the world. I totally understand that, I understand that there is no text without context. Nonetheless this is the mother of all questions.

It is put up in the middle of the Gospel of Matthew but I think it would be even more powerful if these were the last words of Jesus before he breathed his last breath. Who do you say I am? The young untested faith is quick to answer this. But have they really experienced failure? Have they called with all their faith and received silence yet?

Only the person who has experienced the cross and it’s despair can truly answer. For some!!!! Their answer is “ I don’t know anymore.” If you have ever given that answer you get it. Nothing is clear but years later you can look back and only say “MY LORD, MY God.”


Tuesday November 14, 2023


Thursday November 9, 2023