January 13, 2023
Mark 2:1-12
A very happy Friday to you. A friend of mine just sent me a note which read “Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the whatever.” I laughed at that. Oh the days when Fridays weee Fridays and Mondays well Mondays. For a police officer they are all mixed together. Anyway let’s talk scripture and life.
My focus on this popular reading is what this paralyzed man did with the mat. We read, “He picked up the mat and walked away.” Did he burn it? Frame it? Hold on to it? We don’t know. How about you, what did you do with the mat?
The darn mat could be anything that kept you from thriving before you met the Lord. It prevented you from going out with friends. It reminded you that you are not like others. Then Jesus came along, loved you and said, pick up your mat and go. Why pick it up? Why not just heal this man? Well maybe that mat is the greatest teacher. Lying on that mat, the man saw people’s true colors.
Listen very carefully, some of your experiences are ones that you would not wish on your enemy. But they were your teachers. So I hope you remember from time to time how it used to be and I hope you never allow yourself to fall back on that mat. Been there, done that and ain’t going back. Thank you Merica.