January 20, 2023
Mark 3:13-19
In the gospel passage today our Lord has his team, he chooses his 12 disciples and with these the kingdom of God will break open. I often wonder about the 12. I think of their journey at the beginning. Their hopes and desires, dreams and aspirations. Think back to your first day at secondary school as you stood at assembly. Think of the little groups that formed, who reached out to you first and maybe people you wish you were a little more careful around. Had you known then what you know now how would life have been?
Did Jesus know everything about the twelve? Did he know every turn of this journey? Absolutely not. But this is who God gave him. Be there in the room with the chosen ones. Be a chosen one and stop doing that thing in your head. Ouieten that voice that tells you that you do not fit in? That voice that tells you that you are not the right size or have the right education. In fact stop looking at all the reasons you should not be in that room of the chosen. And don’t compare yourself.
The twelve apostles were as ordinary as we are. Maybe we are a wee bit sophisticated and understand the world a little better. But the first order of business as a disciple is simply to be present and willing, to see ourselves as having something in our experience that God can use to change our worlds. My first order….. make sure mama has enough food in Africa.