July 26, 2023

Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9

"But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold."

Are you where you need to be? In today's Gospel we hear about the sower sowing seed. Some falls on the path and is eaten, some fell on rocky ground, some fell where thorns choked it, and some fell on fertile soil.

Jesus speaks here about our faith, but it also speaks to us about our companions. Do we have friendships that are mutually encouraging and supporting? Do our friends support us in our faith and help us to become the best versions of ourselves, or do they tear us down and criticize us? We can only be our best versions of ourselves when we are planted in fertile soil.

We all have to examine our relationships and realize there are sometimes seasons for them if they become harmful. May we always have fertile ground for our faith and encouragement from those we love and who love us.

- Fr. Will


July 27, 2023


July 25, 2023