July 28, 2023
Gospel: Matthew 13:18-23
"But then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word."
Again today we hear the parable of the sower from Wednesday. But today, we get a bit more context. The sower still sows on the path, rocky ground, weeded ground, and fertile soil. But, instead of the weeds just choking the seed today Jesus gives us more context in each situation. Specifically, when the weeds choke the seed.
One of my favorite things to do is worry. I can worry about just about anything. But today Jesus says that worry is a weed. Along with riches, they choke our faith by giving us other things to focus on instead of God. Advancing in the world and worrying about things keep us from the path of righteousness. As hard as it is, the next time we worry try to remember that it's a weed that will choke our faith. God is in control, even when we don't feel it or understand it or realize it. So, as St. Padre Pio says, "Pray, hope, and don't worry."
- Fr. Will