Monday June 19, 2023
Matthew 5:38-42
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You have learnt how it was said: Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But I say this to you: offer the wicked man no resistance.
How does this passage hit you? My first read of it does not sit well with me at all. I am not about to be someone’s punching bag. I mean I can take some blows but then I have to say “NO” to meanness. Hake Jesus did not turn the other cheek. He asked a question instead “why did you hit me..”
Imagine now that you are a zealot. You have been born and raised to fight for the coming of the messiah. And then he says the above. Do the opposite, restrain yourself and you will be more powerful. Every once in a while you are called upon to be the bigger person and just take it so the silliness can stop. I want to thank all of you who at some point have decided “not to go there.” There was so much you could have said and done but you held the waters like a dam. Look at you, that was impressive and recognize yourself today for standing tall and stopping it all.