Monday May 13, 2024
John 16:29-33
Do you believe at last?
Listen; the time will come – in fact it has come already –
when you will be scattered,
each going his own way
Reading this passage now as a grey haired man brings back so many memories of people I have been on a journey with. There have been priests, brothers and sisters I thought I could not live without. But life happened and here we are surrounded by new souls. Yes in twenty years a lot has happened and part of me dreads the unknown next twenty.
There is one place I have gone back over and over again though. I can always go back to my prayer position and everything there is like it used to be, even better I should say. If you have not developed a daily practice of prayer and movement, I highly encourage it.
Yesterday on video call mama said “shave your face, you look old.” And I said “yup that’s my mom :)”.