November 28, 2022
Isaiah 4:2-6
Matthew 8:5-11
The season of advent is upon us once again. Once again we gather as church to begin the preparation for the grand entrance, the grand intervention of Yahweh into human history. The problem that I have seen with advent is that we have brought the child and forgotten the mother. What do I mean? Well advent was not born out of a vacuum. There was a mood that gave birth to it. In theology we call this the PAROUSIA. It is a Greek word that means “the second coming.” You see the early church had an urgency to it. By the time St. Mathew was writing his gospel (90AD), some of the things Jesus had predicted had already happened. Jerusalem had fallen in 70 AD. So the early church in this mood, in this climate they thought he would show up in the crowds any moment now. Remember there were some who refused to work because they thought it a waste of time if Jesus was seconds away from taking them in the rupture. I think our expectations of the second coming are very different now and maybe also our preparation for it. So how does advent preach?
Think of preparing for the three comings of the messiah. He came in time, He will come at the end of time and he comes every moment of our lives. Our tasks in this season is not to miss the way God shows up today. I tell you most solemnly before this day ends, he will come to you. Maybe just by reading this and sharing he is telling you about his presence in your life. I love you.