October 20, 2022

Mass Readings: Eph 3:14-21, Lk 12:49-53

Todays Gospel invites us to reflect on the personal cost of discipleship. I used to think that being a Christian was about getting along with people. You know, not ruffling any feathers. Come to find out it is actually about taking a stand, a strong stand and that always ruffles feathers. Do you suppose that I have come to bring peace on earth? No!! I have come to start a fire and how I wish it was already blazing.

Here in America that fire is ablaze. If you don’t believe me, try to talk politics at your next family reunion and the police will be called to settle matters.

Well let’s talk about the right kind of fire. Passion for doing God’s work. Are you ablaze on it. Does it fire you up when you see someone burdened with guilt? Beating themselves up for being human? Does it fire you up and spring you into action and convert you to being the very mercy of God? That is the right kind of fire. Jesus wishes you and I were on fire with the blazing love of God. When we love the judged and condemned, trust me we will ruffle feathers.

So go ahead today and do some radical understanding of someone else, some radical giving of your time, go ahead and let Christ light a fire in you. From what I can tell, you are already on fire because you kept reading this.


October 21, 2022


October 19, 2022