October 26, 2022
Ephesians 6:1-9
Luke 12:22-30
The first reading brings up something I have struggled with as an adult Christian. To think that the Bible actually says “slaves be obedient to your masters” that is tough. I need someone else to unpack that for me. In South Africa the Catholic Church went along with segregated churches and masses. It was the Anglicans lead by Bishop Desmond Tutu who fought in season and out of season so we could use the same water fountain.
In the gospel Jesus is asked how tough it will be to enter heaven. His response is “it will almost be impossible…. Try to enter by the narrow gate”. In fact he says “strive”. What are we to do with this, what is the good news here Fr. Chibundi. Here is my take. If you are not part of the kingdom now, it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. If you are waiting to die to enjoy heaven it may be too late. Those who are doing God’s work now are already in the kingdom. Ask yourself, do I visit the imprisoned? Feed the hungry? Practice patience? Give drink to the thirsty? Change diapers? Hey rejoice the kingdom of God is here and you are in it agent of God. Don’t procrastinate heaven.
Fr. Chibundi