October 28, 2022
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude
Ephesians 2:19-22
Luke 6:12-19
You know I lost my book of saints so I really don’t know much about Saint Simon and Jude. Maybe you can share with us in the comments something about them. I know they shed their blood for the gospel. This gospel that we celebrate today has come to us at a great cost. Have you ever wondered though what upset the authorities so much about the message of Jesus that they would brutally kill his disciples? Challenging peoples beliefs can be risky. Our Lord was introducing a loving caring God and the authorities did not like it. Anyway…
The gospel passage that we have is about the calling of the twelve apostles. You know, our Lord did not call to ministry the experts. There is a time and place for experts but God needs people who can relate. I think this is why you should never discount or under sell your contribution to the kingdom. Each one of us has a message from God. My prayer today is that you embrace your calling. I am reminded today of a guy from the Burg called John Mudd. He was a regular guy who in his own way revealed the presence of God. He found a way of speaking God. May you find and love your own way of planting the kingdom.