September 6, 2023

Luke 4:38-44

Leaving the synagogue, Jesus went to Simon’s house. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever and they asked him to do something for her.

This is one of those passages that humanizes Jesus for me. He and Peter were friends. I always saw them as disciple/Rabbi but they actually hang out at each others houses.This is incredibly refreshing to me.

Now what preached for me in this passage is that they immediately told him what was happening in the house. They were not too embarrassed that mother in law was sick, they did not hide her in some room, no they bothered him about her. When you receive the Lord in the Eucharist, do you tell him everything that is going on in your life. Do you tell him that you are exhausted or there seems to be no right person for you? Do you tell him about who needs blessings in your life. You have God in your house, open up a little.

May the Lord touch every area of your life today. Love you


Thursday September 7, 2023


Tuesday September 5, 2023