Thursday August 17, 2023

Matthew 18:21-19:1

Peter went up to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.

Peter was so gangster, he had had-it with some other disciple and was ready to drop hands. Our Lord looks at Peter and says to him that he is actually knocking himself out. This anger, this frustration is killing you. Why in the world would you give your joy and peace to someone else? Those are for you to keep, to help you grow and thrive. Do not let the stupidity or ungrateful-ness of another steal your joy! NO! Being or rather staying angry and frustrated is actually giving another your power. Nelson Mandela put it beautifully when he said “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping another person dies.” Unforgiveness kills the bearer, so forgive always.

However my dearly beloved fello Christian, be smart about forgiveness. If you keep forgiving the same person over and over again maybe it’s your head that needs to be examined. Why would you keep bringing someone who hurt you closer and closer to you. At some point, we gotta love at a distance. Y’all know!!!


Friday August 18, 2023


Wednesday August 16, 2023