Thursday February 29, 2024
Jeremiah 17:5-10
How did I miss this reading all these years. Jeremiah offers a curse and a blessing. He says “A curse on the man who places his trust in a man … And a blessing on a man who places his trust in God..” Well that is a little sexist there Mr Jeremiah. You can’t say that about all men!! I kid.
We actually see this call in the Hebrew Scriptures a lot. The invitation to put our trust in the Lord. Mama used to tell me to trust no one but we lived in a different place and different time. The prophet reminds us that there is one who is dedicated for our own good. God and God alone should have our full trust. You and I know this. We have good friends who are and will be there always but life happens, economies change and people change. The greater our relationship with God is the more he will show us who to trust. They might not even be churchy people. I am always amazed by Mary Ann. She has a friend we vacation with whom she has known since 2nd grade. Who keeps a friend that long? Special people, blessed people!!