Thursday February 8, 2024
Mark 7:24-30
Do you know that I have been saying the same prayer every time I go for a run these past 15 years? You must have seen me running in the cold or in the heat off Westport road. I am sure God sees me coming and he knows what I am about to say. I make my sign of the cross and say “plizi Mulungu, tu tandizeni na ndalama zo mangila church.” Please God help us with money to build a church” and off I go running. There are moments or Sundays I feel we are receiving the opposite of a blessing but then I have little glimpses here and there that this impossible prayer will be answered. Yes it is a mighty big prayer but unless we pray it, unless we ask we really don’t know. What I know is that out of nothing Yahweh has given and sustained our community and and I feel his presence even when the numbers are down and we have a deficit budget I just keep praying for our beautiful Rabbouni.
The story of the Syrophoenician woman, this pagan lady who got a rare audience with Jesus speaks to me about persistence. Our Lord refused to help her. In my opinion he was even rude. He says “it is not good to give the food of the children to dogs.” No sir, but even the dogs eat scrapes that fall from the table. He was rude, she knew her place and interceded for her daughter. Then his heart of hearts grew softer and healed her baby. Persistence, patience and humility got her that blessing.
You may not need to be humiliated like that in your prayer. But you may have to say that prayer over several years. You may have to ask others to pray for you. I remember praying for and through a difficult high risk pregnancy. Lord that was scary. It was touch and go from week five to full term.
Anyway it is never too easy. Remember that.
On another note join us and come see the answers to our prayer on February 11, 2024 at the 12:30 mass. We will be celebrating our 15th anniversary followed by a meal. We make some good greens. I sure hope to see you.