Thursday January 30, 2025

Mark 4:21-25


Jesus said to the crowd, ‘Would you bring in a lamp to put it under a tub or under the bed? Surely you will put it on the lamp-stand?

Immediately my heart begins to sing my favorite childhood song “this little light of mine.”

I think we all know that we are light, that we are energy. Today for a brief moment I want to go to a time and place when my light did not shine so bright. The first time I felt that in a significant way was when as a teenager my daddy died. That knocked the wind out!! But also our little village had a way of coming together to keep my family’s light alive. They protected us.

In a very weird way I feel that our light will not shine unless we have either passed through some dark moments or we have felt what it truly feels like to lose our light.

Later on in life I was to experience some challenging times. Some brought on by my own foolishness and others by virtue of being alive. Our lord today says “remember you are light!!!” God wants us to shine. Listen I live in the real world now and I know all too well that it is challenging to keep the flame. Remember though my friend, stop apologizing for being human. In fact celebrate the challenges because then you will notice your beautiful light.

Fr Chibundi


Friday January 31, 2025


Monday January 27, 2025