Thursday September 28, 2023
Haggai 8:1-8
So now, the Lord of Hosts says this: Reflect carefully how things have gone for you. You have sown much and harvested little; you eat but never have enough, drink but never have your fill, put on clothes but do not feel warm. The wage earner gets his wages only to put them in a purse riddled with holes. So go to the hill country, fetch wood, and rebuild the House: I shall then take pleasure in it, and be glorified there, says the Lord.”
This beautiful reading from the prophet invites us and reminds us to set our priorities right. The house of the Lord was in ruins while the people built mansions for themselves. Unless we put God in the rightful place in our lives, until we restore the right relationship with God there will be restlessness. Whatever the mistakes, whatever the past has been let today be the day we recognize the place of God in our lives.
Our souls are wired for this divine relationship folks.