Tuesday April 11, 2023
John 20:11-18
Yesterday was a terrible and hard day in Louisville. We hear of mass shootings and it is always in some place far from home. When evil strikes in your own backyard and affects the people you know and love it takes on a different face. I pray for the bereaved families and all those who hurt. We will pray for the deceased by name at our Sunday Eucharist.
In the gospel passage of today we hear the greatest proclamation of the resurrection. Mary of Magdalene says “I have seen the Lord”. It is one thing to say that Christ is risen, he is truly risen. This is a third person proclamation of faith. But may I suggest that to experience resurrection power we have to move from third person proclamation to first person encounter: I have seen the Lord.
Yesterday those in the line of fire saw the Lord in the person of a young Officer who came towards them with courage to save them. They can say “I have seen the Lord.” The families of those who lost loved ones have also seen the Lord as Louisville comes to their aid. Be the Risen Lord today my friend.