Tuesday April 16, 2024
1 Peter 5:5-14
Whenever I read these early manuscripts of the church, I ask myself what the author was responding to. St Peter says “All wrap yourselves in humility to be servants of each other, because God refuses the proud and will always favour the humble.” Peter is noticing a very dangerous attitude that is growing in the early church. The tendency to want to be a lord and be served. He invites the early church to always have a servant heart. I truly did not know what it meant to be a servant until I became a parent. Isn’t it true that every parent or caretaker is the servant of servants. What I love about being a parent is we do servant things with a loving heart. We do servant things almost expecting nothing back (maybe a thank you if we raise them right). This self sacrificing love is what he implores of us to take. To anticipate each others needs.
Pope Francis has tried very much to remind the clergy that they are servants. Poor guys, they have been lords for so long and have never really been parents so it is a tall order. But this call is for all of us. Stay humble and grow the church. The question is, can you confidently say that you are a humble person?