Tuesday February 4, 2025

Mark 10:28-31

At that time Peter began to tell Jesus, ‘What about us? We have left everything and followed you.’

Is St. Peter asking for a security guarantee? You can sense the tension in this question from him. Following the Lord has not been plain sailing, in fact it feels like a miscalculation.

Most of us have asked ourselves a form of that question. What am I doing here? I have nothing to show for all the work?

I certainly do not have all the answers to these questions but I want to believe that everything we do will have some meaning. Peter and the disciples are better people today because of the journey they are on. So do not look for results but believe that it will pay off. The disciples had a tragic end but they changed the world.

You know… I still dream of having our own church building in my lifetime but in the meantime I will enjoy this beautiful community we have. Stay encouraged on your journey my friend. Sometimes it takes a long time to see the results.


Ash Wednesday March 5, 2025


Friday February 28, 2025