Tuesday January 23, 2024

Mark 3:31-35

The mother and brothers of Jesus arrived and, standing outside, sent in a message asking for him.

This is probably one of the most difficult passages of scripture to read. If you would for a moment, remove the “holiness” from it and just read it as a story. His mother and brothers came to get him. They got word that he had gone mad. They were going to bring him home, to love him, to understand him. See when the people from the village arrive, we know it is serious. Those of us from the first cultures understand this in a very different way. They come with intent, they come with pain but you are their pain and they would rather have you home.

So I understand the emotional turmoil that Jesus faces. I understand his embarrassment. Lord your mama here!!! He would have buried his head in his palms with embarrassment. However bad things get for me, don’t call mama.

You know, being misunderstood is a painful thing indeed. People think they know how it feels but unless you have been on that island, all alone and everyone pointing fingers at you, you really don’t know. Imagine being at boarding school and having the other boys laugh at you coz you have jacked up teeth or you are overweight or you don’t fit in. You get it right?

This happened to Jesus!!! Even his mother did not fully understand. It took a lot of explaining (and men we are terrible at this), a lot of listening and a lot of prayer. Here is the deal… know your truth but also know it takes time for others to see your truth.

The other complication with this reading is the brothers of Jesus. You know St. James the apostle who succeeded Jesus and became bishop of Jerusalem was described in early writings as “James the brother of Jesus who was called Messiah.” I don’t want to cause trouble with the immaculate conception but this was not an issue for the early church. But for now we can say the Bible meant to say “His mother and his cousins…”


Wednesday January 24, 2024


Monday January 22, 2024