Tuesday June 11, 2024

The Feast of St Barnabas the Apostle

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes tasteless, what can make it salty again?

What do you know of St Barnabas? Did he leave behind an epistle? Did he say anything at all in the scriptures? Frankly I know very little of the man except that he was one of the 12. And actually that is exactly what I love about the quiet disciples. They went on every day spreading the gospel in little, ordinary acts. Yes we need the Peters and the Pauls of this world but so do we need you. You who raise children and care for the sick. You who is rarely thanked for all you do in the background to make God present.

Our Lord says of you “you are salt of the earth.” You draw out of people the flavor of life. You make a difference. I have started believing this about myself. Yes it’s one thing to be told that you matter, it is a completely different attitude when you begin to believe it. This beautiful quote comes to mind…”Lord, let me accept the truth about myself no matter how good it is.” Now that is an empowering prayer.

Love you

Fr Chibundi


Wednesday June 12, 2024


Monday June 10, 2024