Tuesday March 19, 2024

John 8:21-30

Did I ever tell you that my weakest and strongest character trait is that I am a people pleaser? What a cross it is sometimes. I hate conflict and tension. These arguments that the Pharisees are picking with Jesus almost bring my blood pressure up. We know how the story ends but it pains me that our Lord has to keep explaining himself and they keep looking for a reason to trap him. They seriously wake up in the morning and plot against him. Can you believe that there are people to this day who are driven by such malice and jealousy?

Today our Lord says to put it in American terms “ you will not get it until it’s too late with an attitude like that.” In biblical terms “When you have lifted up the Son of Man,

then you will know that I am He..” Let us pray today that our eyes be open to truly see and hear those God has brought into our lives. Because life is too short to be spent arguing.


Wednesday March 20, 2024


Monday, March 18, 2024