Tuesday May 7, 2024

John 16:5-11

Still, I must tell you the truth:

it is for your own good that I am going

because unless I go,

the Advocate will not come to you;

We have mentioned in our blog on the scriptures that the Gospel of John is a very high christology narrative and can be difficult to read and understand. Remember it is the last of the gospels to be written and it is written to an early church that never knew Jesus personally like the recipients of the gospel of Mark. This church is trying to make sense of why Jesus had not come yet. They are trying to find meaning, trying to find themselves. So to them, the author says, Jesus had to go so we can receive the Holy Spirit.

Do you find it difficult to let go of beautiful things so you can receive even better things? We are invited today to open ourselves to receiving. These disciples will not receive the Holy Spirit if they keep the nostalgia of the good old days when he walked with their grandparents. Learn to see the gift of today!!!

Come Holy Spirit.


Ascension Thursday May 9, 2024


Friday May 3, 2024