Tuesday November 28, 2023

Luke 21-5-11

When some were talking about the Temple, remarking how it was adorned with fine stonework and votive offerings, Jesus said, ‘All these things you are staring at now – the time will come when not a single stone will be left on another: everything will be destroyed.’

Just think for a moment … what was your life like 10 years ago? How much of it is left? I don’t know about you but never did I ever think things would turn out as they have been. There are dreams that have been dashed and lives that I would never dream of. Yes change and redefining myself has been the only constant thing.

As we close this unbelievable year I want to thank God for the gift of change and our ability to adapt. Granted sometimes it is easy to adapt and other times it almost kills us. But look at you and how much you have grown. I know this … you can do difficult things!

Our Lord Jesus invites us in today’s scripture not to be caught up in things that appear strong but to dig deep. The temple was indeed destroyed but the spirit of God found another temple… you are that temple where God dwells. Things change. Think about it, this time next year things will be so different.


Wednesday November 29, 2023


Monday November 27, 2023