Wednesday February 19, 2025

Mark 8:22-26

Jesus and his disciples came to Bethsaida, and some people brought to him a blind man whom they begged him to touch. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village.

Have you noticed that Our Lord has a unique way of healing. Yes sometimes he heals you on the spot but other times he takes someone away from the noise. Remember how he healed Jairus’ daughter? He cleared the room. Today he takes this man away from the very people who brought him. For some people, no healing will happen if they keep the same company. Get away from negative people!!! In fact RUN, separate yourself so you can see clearly.

Think about this. If one struggles with alcoholism and wants to quit but keeps hanging around heavy drinkers it just does not help. Find new company!!

Do you need to go away so you can see clearly? I know that sometimes this is almost impossible but you may owe it to yourself.

Much love

Fr Chibundi


Monday February 24, 2025


Tuesday February 18, 2024