Wednesday July 31, 2024

Matthew 13:44-46

Jesus said to the crowds: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off happy, sells everything he owns and buys the field.

He goes off sells everything he has… pause and read that again. Finding God or rather letting Grace touch our lives is the most important action we can ever take for the good of our lives. Because truly when you have God, you will not waste your energy on superficial relationships and cheap arguments. You will just rise above it all.

You want to find the kingdom of God? Spend some time with old people. I love them. Most of them are not attached to things or status. They will tell you the truth you need to hear. Sometimes we like to hear that truth and other times it stings. But these our seniors have discovered the Kingdom. Some of them it has been through church going and other the great teacher has been the hard knocks of life.

Find God and you will have found everything.


Thursday August 1, 2024


Monday July 29, 2024