Wednesday July 5, 2023

Matthew 8:28-34

We do not see much of this phenomenon here in the USA but the power of deliverance that Jesus uses today is still felt and used in some parts of the world. We in the charismatic renewal knew a thing about driving out demons, about a person possessed. We always would caution after a prayer of deliverance for someone to change their lives in some sort otherwise the demon would come back with even stronger friends. So the setting free was step one and a changed life is what kept the spirits away. This is spiritual battle folks.

How do people here who need a drastic change conduct their lives. Some change friends, others change foods and after work habits. Being a different man is hard work but we have to be committed to the process and eventually the process changes us. Today I pray for all those who have backslid please stay in the fight. Your soul, your happiness is worth a thousand fights. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth be freed!!!! Amen


Thursday July 6, 2023


Tuesday July 4, 2023