Wednesday June 26, 2024

Matthew 7:15-20

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves. You will be able to tell them by their fruits.

A lot has been written about false prophets so I will go another way here. There is an exercise we did when I was in seminary. It is a form of prayer and we simply called it praying with the scriptures. We want to personalize the word of God.

Remember this always, scripture is not written for us so that we can become experts of the sin of others. It is written for our own growth, that with it we may strengthen the voice of God within. So, are there any inconsistencies in your life? How do you reconcile that you can be both good and bad (not intentionally of course). My suggestion….. don’t stop doing the good. And on the last day, if you are 86% good and 14% shady, it may be ok. We shall call it the human factor.

Yes yes I still say and repeat the words of our Lord “beware of false prophets and confront them head on.” Let us examine our conscience everyday.


Monday July 1, 2024


Tuesday June 25, 2024