Wednesday June 7, 2023

Mark 12:18-27

Sometimes there isn’t much to say but repeat a line or verse that touches you and sit with it. Today Jesus says “You go wrong because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God.”

I always wished I would be the kind of Christian that quotes scripture like my born again friends. They seemed so holy… well from a distance. The approach they gave us in seminary was going beyond the words. We were taught to understand the world and culture that birthed these sacred texts. And so I become a little nervous and embarrassed that I cannot quote it. Actually scripture quoting Christians were a bit annoying. I found that they were good at quotes but horrible at being sensible. Anyway I digress. The encouragement from our Lord is that we have a healthy approach to scripture. Remember, the Pharisees are using scripture to cause more pain and to trap Jesus. So quote it for the good!!! Love you


Thursday June 8, 2023


Tuesday June 6, 2023