Wednesday May 10, 2023

Acts 15:1-6

I hope you take the time and have a read of this beautiful passage. It will remind you of that beautiful saying “The more things change, the more they remain the same.”

I have mentioned before that the first council of the church was held in 48AD-50AD. This Apostolic Council was held to discuss if the Gentile Christians would keep all the Jewish rules prescribed by Moses. At the center of this argument was the question of circumcision and pork chops. Seriously the whole church gathered to discuss this. Think of the total waste of money spent in traveling and lodging to go answer this question. I wonder if women sometimes look at men and think “are they serious.” Anyway history can be brutal sometimes. How does this preach?

How many silly things have derailed your life? How many relationships have been broken over nonsense. I am reminded today to stay focused on what really matters. Look how many people were being added to the faith and the church did not meet to celebrate this but they met to talk about circumcision. Jesus help me. Anyway there look and celebrate what God is doing in your life. May we not be distracted by things that are superficial. I once heard this beautiful saying “the church is like a swimming pool, all the noise comes from the shallow side.” Go deep my friend.

What are the silly things that got between your relationships? Politics? Masks? Gold chalice or Crystal?


Thursday May 11, 2023


Monday May 8, 2023