Wednesday October 11, 2023

Luke 11:1-4

Once Jesus was in a certain place praying, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’

Do you believe in answered prayer? Or that God is listening? About three years ago I remarked on Facebook that I wished I would say the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic. The following Sunday, Travis Martin brought a friend to church who spoke the language of Jesus. This angel recorded/prayed this beautiful prayer as Jesus would have said it. Since then, I say the Abun Dipshmaya in the original language.

Language is beautiful because it opens up a whole new world. But hear this, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray but he taught them how to live. This Is more than words, it is a way of life. My hope is that we do not only recite the words…. My hope is we live the prayer. Together we pray as our Lord Jesus Christ taught us “Our Father who is everywhere and in everything thing….”


Friday October 13, 2023


Tuesday October 10, 2023