Wednesday September 13, 2023

Luke 7:20-26

Fixing his eyes on his disciples Jesus said:

‘How happy are you who are poor: yours is the kingdom of God.

Happy you who are hungry now: you shall be satisfied.

Happy you who weep now: you shall laugh.

You know it is an incredible and deliberate act to find the silver lining in things. Most of these who were poor, hungry or weeping had every reason to stay in that state. But Jesus said, change your thinking, change your brain. Find something that will begin to change the energy around you.

On a day to day basis there are a number of situations or people who can spoil the mood or our whole day. Today I ask myself with the help of God. What is the opportunity in this instance? Follow the God wink.


Thursday September 14, 2023


Tuesday September 12, 202