Wednesday September 18, 2024

Luke 7:31-37

For John the Baptist comes, not eating bread, not drinking wine, and you say, “He is possessed.” The Son of Man comes, eating and drinking, and you say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” Yet Wisdom has been proved right by all her children.’

The journey of life is really about knowing who we are and why we were breathed into existence at this point in time. This is a journey that each one of us must take. We all should ask, why me, why at this time, why this fate. If we do not find that calling then every Harry and Tom out there will want to define us, to tell us who we are.

Jesus was his own person. He established the kingdom of God in his own unique way. That way was very much questioned but he listened to the voice within. Yes sometimes I wish he was like John The Baptist, but I find John too much sometimes… Listen grow the kingdom of God with your flavor. Those who are enlightened will nod you on. And those who want to change you are fighting a losing battle. Yes be unique because you are uniquely created for this time, for this age.


Monday September 23, 2024


Tuesday September 17, 2024