Wednesday April 3, 2024

Acts 3:1-10

Reading the beginning of our story as a Christian people is very fascinating to me. We did not have all the answers and theologies to all the world’s problems but we had this: Jesus! Today, Peter and Paul say that they have neither gold nor silver to give but what they have they give “in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!”

How much did this man want to walk? Was he done with all the excuses and blaming and was he ready to put on his big boy pants realizing his blessings and walk. Today I hear God saying to me to rise and walk away from what paralyzes me. What do I have to lose? What is the worse that can happen if you begin a new journey today. A dear friend in Lebanon had to some up the courage and walk away from an abusive man. It was scary, she limped but now she is not walking anymore but galloping into a beautiful future. You can inspire someone today if they wish for it. Walk in Jesus name!!


Monday April 8, 2024


Tuesday April 2, 2024