February 22, 2023/Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Several years ago Fr. Ron Knott of the archdiocese of Louisville wrote a book called “Intertional Presbyterate.” He had noticed among other things that diocesan priests were becoming more and more lone rangers. He wanted us to come together as priests and actually want to build a sense of community. That was the only way we would save the priesthood. I loved that idea and still do today. I I love the idea of intention! My natural instinct is to know what I am supposed to do and do it almost automatically. It is east to let the year or the job or the lifestyle carry us. I want us to bring something different to this Lenten experience. Bring INTENTION!

Let us enter into this desert experience with the full intentions of cooperating with the promptings of the Holy Spirit. God wants to speak to us about our life experience and how it plays out in His grand plan. So I am not asking you what you are giving up. Rather, what are your deepest intentions for lent. Love you

Fr. Chibundi


February 23, 2023


February 21, 2023