February 23, 2023
Luke 9:22-25
The Spirit led me to the very last sentence in today’s gospel. Our Lord says “What gain, then, is it for a man to have won the whole world and to have lost or ruined his very self?”
The disciples are having a hard time accepting his passion predictions, so he is trying to bring them along. He talks about carrying our own crosses and following him. I am wondering though if I have ever lost my very self, my soul. The spiritual practice is about recognizing when we lose ourselves to things that do not matter. This call to constantly examine our consciousness is something the church invites us to do every day. We can lose our very selves to anger, to jealousy, for the job and even for perverted love.
So as we begin our journey remember to guard your soul. What matters in the end are our relationship with family and friends. Invest in good relationships and let go of toxic ones. But all in all remember to guard that beautiful soul of yours. God First!!