Friday August 11, 2023

Matthew 16:24-28

“Jesus said to his disciples: ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me”

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St Clare, she was a good friend to St Francis. As a good friend, she probably told him things that were difficult to hear but also built him up. True friendship always looks out especially when things are in blind corners. And so may you have true friends, may you be the true friend.

The reading is interesting to me because of one little line. “Pick up your cross..” Remember this is before his cruxifiction. This is during the time that those who have crosses have really no hope. Nobody is talking crosses at this time.

The meaning of the cross has definitely changed with the death and resurrection of Jesus.

So pick up your cross…. Don’t let it drag. Own it!! Do you have a cross? You know… only the condemned had one!

Here is another thought. The cross…. Is there shame in your life? Is there guilt? How has that controlled you. It’s time you pick it up, own it and stop people from using it to hurt you. You are good!!


Monday August 14, 2023


Thursday August 10, 2023