Thursday August 10, 2023
John 12:24-26
“..If a man serves me, he must follow me,
wherever I am, my servant will be there too…”
So where are we going today? I remember at some point being the one to ask that question. That was the easy life. My superior decided what we would be doing and i complained about it. Then things changed a little bit with ordination, it was me being asked what we were going to do, where we were going to eat or even what we were going to dress. As a Father and especially a mother you have had to be the one with the vision.
We know however that on our faith journey we are always looking for Him. Where is the Lord leading us today. Is he talking with people we cannot stand? Then let’s be there and try to make his work easier not complicate it! Is he asking us to work with impossible people or situation? Be there, be present. Faith is about listening and watching where the master of the field is.