Friday August 4, 2023
Matthew 13:54-58
This is the carpenter’s son, surely? Is not his mother the woman called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Jude? His sisters, too, are they not all here with us?
It seems like a harmless question. Is this not the carpenter’s son? The word translated as carpenter is not what we think of today as carpenter. It was a social economic status that was slightly above slave and (don’t stone me here) woman. Notice that Jesus sisters are not even mentioned by name.
Anyway the power of this verse is this. It was a put down. Jesus had no business talking to privileged people because he came from nothing. Yet he spoke with such poise.
Have you ever met people who want to hold you prisoner to what you used to be? For them you can never grow, never change, never evolve. Jesus does not let his family background hold him back. Yes his dad had nothing but maybe he had a lot and raised a son with principles. Raised a compassionate loving person. So today, take a look at where you came from. Your past is the secret to your super powers.
Love you