Monday August 7, 2023

Matthew 14:13-21

When Jesus received the news of John the Baptist’s death he withdrew by boat to a lonely place where they could be by themselves. But the people heard of this and, leaving the towns, went after him on foot. So as he stepped ashore he saw a large crowd; and he took pity on them and healed their sick.

As a young priest I was sometimes livid with this crowd. I thought them selfish that they could not giving Jesus a minute to mourn. This was some very disturbing news he had gotten and he needed a minute. That was me as a privileged young priest of the archdiocese. Sometimes people never gave me a minute.

Many years later, after the Rabbouni experience, the crowds changed for me. I am so glad they came out and found him. These people loved him, they knew he was struggling, they were the silent majority who came to him. They showed up even when they did not know how to console. Some just shared a tear with him, others gave him a manly hug. Jesus looked at them and loved them.

The people in your life have been sent!! Find out why you, why them, why now.


Tuesday August 8, 2023


Friday August 4, 2023